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The Beck Boer War Memorial

The Beck Memorial at the end of Coronation Street, near Norsewood School, is one of very few memorials to a single man that was set in place in New Zealand in the years immediately following the South African ("Boer") War. The country is dotted with memorials to those who lost their lives in that war, however, these almost invariably honour groups of men. The Percy Nation Memorial, in Shannon, Horowhenua, celebrates the life of the local newspaper proprietor's son. Percy Nation, who had been well-known in that town, had written letters home describing his activities in South Africa, and his father had published them. So the Shannon people felt considerable shock when he was killed. Similarly, "young John Beck" was well known his community - and thus his loss was also felt badly by his home district.

The following are a series of articles from the 'Dannevirke Advocate' relating to the unveiling of the Beck Memorial

  Date: 11/01/1902 Page: 2 Column: 4
The Beck Memorial stone at Norsewood is now completed and the committee will meet on Monday evening to decide the day for unveiling it. The committee have great hopes of persuading the Very Rev. the Dean to undertake this most important business, and Mr C. Hall, M.H.R., has also promised to be present.
Date: 14/01/1902 Page: 2 Column: 5
A well-attended meeting of the Beck Memorial Fund Committee was held at Norsewood last evening when it was decided to invite Mrs O. Ericksen to unveil the stone on Sunday, the 26th at 230 pm. It was also resolved to send invitations to the Very Rev. the Dean of Waiapu, the Rev. Canon Webb, Pastors Topholm and Ries, Mr C. Hall, M.H.R., and Mr C.A. Foston, also the Norsewood Brass Band and members of the Union Rifles.
Date: 24/01/1902 Page: 2 Column: 4
On account of the unveiling of the monument to the late Trooper Beck at Norsewood there will not be any afternoon services either at Norsewood or Whetukura Anglican Churches.
Date: 24/01/1902 Page: 3 Column: 3
The ceremony of unveiling the monument to the late Trooper Beck will take place at Norsewood on SUNDAY, January 26th at 230 p.m. The Union Rifles and Brass Band will be in attendance. Speakers - C. Hall esq. M.H.R., Reverend Canon Webb and Foston, Pastors Ries and Topholm, and others.
Date: 25/01/1902 Page: 2 Column: 4
Should the weather be fine on Sunday afternoon at Norsewood it is to be hoped that there will be a large concourse of people to witness the unveiling of the monument to the late Trooper Beck, who lost his life in such a heroic manner while obtaining succour for his mates in South Africa. Mr Ericksen (sic - should be Mrs) has kindly consented to perform the ceremony and amongst other speakers will be Mr Hall M.H.R., the Reverend's Canon Webb and Foston, and Pastor Topholm. The Norsewood Brass Band will be present, also members of the Union Rifles. As there is still something owing on the monument a collection will be taken up which, we hope, will be heartily responded to. Should there be any surplus it will be devoted to railing in this very fitting momento to a true hero.
Date: 27/01/1902 Page: 2 Column: 7
The Late Trooper Beck
The largest concourse of people ever assembled at Norsewood met on Sunday afternoon to witness the unveiling of the monument to the late Trooper Beck who fell so heroically while helping to get succour for his comrades in South Africa.

A detachment of the Union Rifles acted as a guard of honour, and the Brass Band was in attendance and played most appropriate music.

Punctually at 2:30, Mr F. Martin, the energetic secretary, mounted the platform and read apologies for non-attendance from the Very Reverend, the Dean of Waiapu and Pastor Ries. The latter wrote as follows: 'In reply to your kind invitation, dated January 15th. I beg to state that it would have given me great pleasure indeed to have been with you on the 26th at the unveiling of the Beck Memorial monument, but I have to be in Makaretu on the last Sunday in each month, and as this is the last Sunday this month, I could not possibly be with you. I honour and esteem any young man who shows regard to his country, and I am very glad to learn of the way in which the Norsewood community has deemed it proper to commemorate the deeds of our late trooper, young John Beck. I trust that the monument you are about to unveil will be an everlasting teacher of two things Firstly, that the Danish subjects in this colony are loyal to the British Crown, and at all times will give their lives for the service of the Empire; secondly, that the people of this colony honour and respect any man who does his best to help to uphold the prestige of the British Empire. I pray to God that he will comfort the parents and other relatives in their sorrow over the loss of their son and brother. In conclusion, sir, as I understand that you are short of funds for the monument, and that a collection will be taken up, I beg to enclose (a) cheque for £1, which you will kindly add to your collection. You have my best wished for a successful meeting.'

Mr Martin then called upon Mr Hall M.H.R. who, having made a few introductory remarks, asked Mrs Ole Ericksen to unveil the monument, a ceremony which that lady gracefully performed during which the volunteers presented arms and the 'last post' was sounded.

Mr Hall then proceeded with his address, in which he eulogised the bravery shown by Trooper Beck. He also informed his hearers that a cross had been erected over the grave of the deceased at Lichtenberg (where he met with his fatal wound) by his comrades-in-arms.

Addresses were also given by Mr C.A. Foston, Adjutant Cook, the Rev. Canon Webb and Pastor Topholm, the last speaker reminded his hearers that though he was not an Englishman by birth, he was a loyal subject of the King. He had travelled in several foreign countries and was conversant with their laws, and could say without fear of contradiction that there was no freer country in the world than that over which flew the English flag.

During the afternoon a collection was taken up and responded to with such good will that the monument is paid for, £12 the amount required, being taken.

Mr Hall, at the wish of Mr Beck, father of the deceased, then read a few words of heartfelt gratitude to all those who had helped in erecting such a momento to his son, after which Mr Foston moved that this meeting protests against the recent vile aspirations cast upon British troops and affirms its belief in their honour and integrity.
This probably refers to accusations relating to the appalling conditions in which the British kept Boer prisoners, including women and children, in South African concentration camps. Unfortunately, the accusations were true.
Pastor Topholm seconded and the resolution was carried amidst loud cheering, the proceedings being brought to a close by the band playing 'God Save the King.'

The monument, which is a very handsome marble one and comes from the works of Mr J. Waterworth, of Napier, bears the following inscription: 'Erected in the memory of Trooper H.J. Beck, 5th New Zealand Contingent, who was wounded in action at Lichtenburg, South Africa, 3rd March 1901. Died of his wounds 24th March 1901. Aged 23.' 'In grateful remembrance of a brave soldier, who gave his life in defence of the Empire.' The monument stands on a 3-tier concrete basement, which was erected by Mr Crossland of Ormondville, and which does him infinite credit.