Community Notices: |
Coffee & Chat: St Mark's Parish Coffee & Chat meets every month at Cafe Norsewood. All welcome. |
Flower Show: The Annual Norsewood Flower show is held every year in early Spring. It's never too early to start nurturing your best blooms. Schedules will be available from the Scandi Superette in good time. There will be refreshments, raffles, and a bring and buy table. Proceeds go to Norsewood Playgroup. |
Keep fit at any age: Low impact exercises and tai chi, every Wednesday morning at 9am in the Memorial Hall, Norsewood. $4.
Keep Norsewood beautiful!: Norsewood has a gardener who keeps our roadside gardens and verges neat and attractive, but volunteer help is sometimes needed. Do you have time or plants to donate? If you can help, ring Lisa 06 8558965 or Robyn 06 3740749. |
Makotuku Garden Group: meets every second Wednesday of the month. Enquiries to Maureen, 3747787 |
Norsewood & Districts Lions: meet 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. Enquiries to 3740785 |
Norsewood Craft Group: The group would like to invite you to get together to finish those crafty projects over a coffee and a chat, Thursdays 10am - 3.30pm in the Pottery Shop (behind the Info Centre)over Autumn and Winter. Gold coin donation, BYO lunch. Phone Jenny, 374 0792 or Pat, 374 0701. |
Norsewood Family Playgroup: meets every Wednesday at Norsewood School, from 10am till noon during school term. New families welcome (ages 0-5 years). Enquiries to Vanessa Dorreen 3748803 |
Norsewood Golf Club: Golf every Sunday, tee off at 11 am. Enquiries to Rex, 06 374 0860 |
Norsewood Health Centre: Coronation Street. Hours: Mondays and Fridays 9am - noon. Wednesdays: 1.30 - 4.30pm. Phone 374 0995. The Health Centre is closed on public holidays. |
Norsewood Promotions: Norsewood Promotions is a small group of volunteers who work together for the betterment of the northern Tararua district. It is a non-profit incorporated society, with members developing and encouraging various activities and events which promote and enhance the area to benefit residents and visitors. We meet monthly on the second Monday of the month, in the War Memorial Hall, at 7.30pm. If you are interested in joining us, you will be most welcome.
Norway Day: Norway Day is celebrated in Norsewood every year on the Sunday closest to 17th May. This is a joyful occasion and well worth attending. |
Recycling: There are recycling pickup points in Norsewood next to the Bowling Club; and in ormondville outside the Ormondville Hall. |