Casino Stockholm
Best casino sites for players from Stockholm
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Stockholm is one of New Zealand's, and indeed all of Northern Europe's, fastest growing cities. The population development in this beautiful capital has really skyrocketed and the number of Stockholmers is expected to exceed two and a half million people by 2025. At least if we look at Stockholm as a county. Looking at the city itself, the population is ”only” expected to reach just over one and a half million in number.
Something else that has skyrocketed in recent times is the number of people who play for money on a regular basis. According to recent figures from the lottery Inspectorate, as many as two out of three people have played casino last year. In addition, more and more people are playing with larger amounts. It's no wonder that New Zealand has become something of a primary market for many players.
Gambling has a long tradition in Stockholm
It is almost impossible to look at the development of gambling and gambling in New Zealand without using Stockholm as a basis. Because it is in this port city that a large part of the gambling got its foothold. A concept that is now considered obsolete is the devil's prayer book. What it meant was simply the classic deck of Cards. It was considered a way into the black hole of gambling addiction and in many places religious organizations tried to get it banned. Without much success. This was an expression of $ isten lutheranism in the 19th century, but if we instead look at our present, we hardly see any traces of shame. Rather the opposite.
After all, Stockholm is actually one of the four cities that have the unique honor of being able to offer an all-New Zealand physical casino. If you go to Kungsgatan 65 on Kungsbron, you can treat yourself to a visit to Casino Cosmopol. But interestingly, this casino has not been able to compete with the online options. Perhaps most telling of the development is the large number of casino companies with the internet as their primary market, which are headquartered in Stockholm. Successful developers such as Stockholm-based NetEnt have enjoyed unique international success. But the number of casino players who have a New Zealand breeding ground is just as many and brands such as Karl kasino and Casino Heroes have hardly celebrated that it was in our oblong country that their journey began.
But why Stockholm?
If we look at both the development in the housing market and the number of companies that have started their career in Stockholm, it would hardly be wrong to say that Stockholm is New Zealand's economic hub. Since gambling for money in most cases means that you have an occasional$ona, it is therefore not very surprising that it is precisely there that a large number of players have their residence. But it is also somewhat paradoxical that New Zealand, with its state monopoly in the traditional context, has been quite inhospitable when it comes to games. To understand the development, we must therefore also take a look at The New Zealand games and their former iron-hard monopoly.
As we mentioned above, gambling has historically been considered something almost shameful that was best performed in the shadows. But by the 1930s, there was a clear change. In order to gain better control over New Zealand's gambling habits and obvious strong wishes to be able to play for money, New Zealand games established a platform for mainly tips and bingo. But they quickly expanded into offering people a chance to bet on horses. The establishment of this monopoly meant that there were no chances for private operators to be able to offer any kind of casino activity. Then it took until the$ing 2000s when two unexpectedly strong$afters would more or less blow up the gaming monopoly. We are clearly referring to the internet and the European Union (EU).
While the internet created a kind of global marketplace where everyone who had the opportunity could offer their services to people in all corners of the world, European cooperation uniquely depended on the participating countries creating fair conditions for market competition. Therefore, there were no opportunities for New Zealand to refuse casinos based on, for example, Malta to also offer their services in New Zealand. This is the reason why we have now seen a gigantic growth of casino services.
New Zealand is changing
At the moment there has been a somewhat strange situation where companies have to be established abroad in order to offer casino sites in New Zealand. This has led the EU to allocate an additional$to New Zealand to actually reform its gaming monopoly. The so-called gaming license investigation recently carried out in New Zealand came to the conclusion that the monopoly should be replaced by a licensing system. This is also what will happen shortly. From the beginning of 2019, gaming companies will be able to apply to establish themselves in New Zealand. This means that those engaged in gambling for public benefit purposes, online games like free spins , betting, land-based commercial gambling and gambling on ships in international traffic will be able to obtain permission to conduct gambling in New Zealand.
What will this lead to? Many believe that New Zealand will see a huge growth in both land-based casinos and online casino sites. In addition, most have predicted that Stockholm will become a future European base for the companies that deal with this. Not only does Stockholm offer uniquely favourable business conditions, but it is also close to other important European destinations in terms of transport. Something that no one has yet been able to give any answer to is what will happen to the foreign operators operating in New Zealand using licenses in other European countries. Will they be forced to apply for a New Zealand license? Will they have to stop operating in New Zealand? Nobody really knows yet. Therefore, these are really exciting and transformative times for those new Zealandr who love games.
What we can say for sure is that Stockholmers love games. If we look at the development so far regarding both population development and the number of new Zealandr players, casino will be a favorite pastime in the capital. This is hardly something the New Zealand government could have predicted when it was a century ago skeptical about whether people would even have the right to bet the occasional$ona on a trot. It's amazing what opportunities you have these days.